Certain requirements for acceptance may vary from school to school, however most business schools will seek to find out if an applicant is a good match for their program based on the applicant's past academic performance, professional experience, and future career plans. While many business schools prefer their applicants to have at least a few years of work experience in business or management and an MBA from an accredited university as a base, many programs take a holistic approach when considering candidates. This holistic approach gives prospective students an advantage when writing essays and preparing for interviews. Here is a look at several well-accredited business schools' admission requirements for some of the top Doctorate of Business Management programs in the country.
Creighton University's Heider College of Business in Omaha, Nebraska offers "a research-based terminal doctorate in business administration designed primarily for students seeking a full-time tenure-track faculty position at an accredited teaching college or university. Those seeking an analytical, research approach to business, as well as those interested in consulting, may also benefit from this degree." This Doctorate in Business Administration is offered through a three-year hybrid format featuring eight weekend residencies over the courses of the first two years while two-thirds of the degree's coursework is done online. Students interested in this DBA must have at least one of the following – an MBA from an accredited university, a graduate or terminal degree in another field of study, an undergraduate degree in business from an accredited university with at least five years' professional work experience, or a CPA certification and five years of business experience. The admissions office at Creighton considers a strong application to include a current resume, official transcripts, two letter of professional recommendation, a statement of purpose, evidence of writing proficiency whether in the form of a GMAT with AWA score or proctored writing assignment, photo identification, and evidence of competency in accounting, finance, microeconomics, and statistics.
Touted as the first and only Doctorate of Business Administration program in the state of Texas to be accredited by the excellent AACSB-International, this "61-credit-hour program has been designed to equip students to apply evidence-based solutions to the challenges presented by the dynamic complexity of the contemporary global economy." Offered through the Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business at the University of Dallas, this program was ranked as #6 among the Top 50 Best Doctorate in Business Management Degrees by Top Management Degrees in 2016. The business school frames the ideal DBA student as one who has acquired at least 12 years of experience as a manager with at least seven of those years in an executive or senior management level. If students lack an MBA or relevant degree, they should at least hold an accredited bachelor's degree and have substantial experience as a manager. Applicants should also be able to demonstrate strong written and verbal skills. An online application should be completed with the submission of a $100 application fee, a current resume, and two letters of professional recommendation either from academia or industry. Students meeting the proper criteria will be contacted for a formal interview and invitation to a Preview Day and interview held at the Gupta College of Business in Irving, Texas. The final step in acceptance includes a review by a selection committee on business school faculty.
Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida offers an Executive Doctorate in Business Administration through the Crummer Graduate School of Business. This three-year program includes two years of monthly on-campus meetings and a format which promotes a close working relationship between students and instructors throughout the degree's coursework and dissertation periods. While students with various academic backgrounds may be qualified for acceptance into the EDBA, the admissions office at Rollins considers a completed application to include all official transcripts, three essays including why the applicant is pursuing the EDBA, how the degree will be used, and how the applicant can insure she will be successful in the program, two confidential letters of recommendation, and a current resume.