Managing a nonprofit organization can be a very challenging career, but it can also be a very rewarding one. Individuals that are considering a career in nonprofit management should be sure that it is something they are truly passionate about and interested in. There are many resources that can help individuals decide whether a career in nonprofit management is right for them. These resources are also filled with information for current nonprofit managers. The information that is contained in the resources is created by professionals for other professionals and is put into place to ensure that every person that is interested in the nonprofit management career field can get all of the information that they need to succeed in the business.
This guide is written in a way that allows for individuals seeking careers in nonprofit management can understand the business better, get a look into the life of a nonprofit manager and learn what they need to know about the career before jumping into it.
General Resources
The Center for Nonprofit Advancement – This organization was founded in 1979. It is an organization that focuses solely on helping nonprofit organizations succeed at what they are trying to do, no matter the nature of their business. It helps connect nonprofit managers to important tools such as training, technical assistance, networking opportunities, advocacy groups and administrative management services.
The Center for Association Leadership – ASAE focuses on helping all types of organizations and individuals succeed by boosting leadership skills and helping with advocacy programs as well as education and vital resources. ASAE is a nonprofit organization that helps train other nonprofit managers as well as the volunteers that are essential to the functions of nonprofit organizations. ASAE provides over 10,000 organizations with their experiences, tools and overall sense of community.
The Non Profit Risk Management Center – This center stands behind its mission statement of, "We help nonprofits cope with uncertainty." They help nonprofit managers by teaching them how to assess all natures of risky situations. Financial risk, to fraud prevention and youth protection are a few types of risk the center would be able to help nonprofit managers learn how to assess and deal with accordingly. They provide education, training and valuable resources to organizations. They are a nonprofit organization that has provided help to other nonprofit organizations for over 20 years. They continue to work with nonprofits while upholding their values and missions by assessing risk and evaluating risk solutions.
The Alliance for Nonprofit Management
This organization was created by people who are specifically interested in the success of nonprofit managers. They focus solely on helping the managers be able to help their nonprofit organization. The company considers their resources a catalyst for igniting the fire that drives many nonprofits. They show nonprofit managers, as well as starters, how to build the nonprofit. They also focus on how to keep a new nonprofit successful and how to maintain a nonprofit on a day to day operational basis.
Selfish Giving – This nonprofit blog is run by individuals that are helping to encourage nonprofit organization success. The blog lists strategies for successfully giving, keeping the nonprofit active and allowing the nonprofit to run on a daily basis through the work of a nonprofit management team as well as with a group of volunteers.
Hands On Blog – This blog is helps nonprofit managers become more comfortable with their management position. It gives excellent tips, tricks and information on how to succeed in a leadership role while managing volunteers.
Kivi's Non Profit Communication – This blog provides a place where nonprofit coordinators, managers and volunteers can come together to discuss ideas, successes and issues. It was created as a place where nonprofit essential operators can come together and learn from each other.
Nonprofit –'s blog about nonprofit organizations gives a look into the field as whole. It is an excellent resource for new nonprofit managers that are trying to find more information on running a nonprofit.
A Small Change – A small change can make a big difference, and this blog proves that to be true. The blog gives tips to nonprofit managers on how to successfully raise funds that will help the nonprofit organization become a better and more successful one. It also has fundraising resources that nonprofit managers can take advantage of.
Beth Kanter's Blog – Social media marketing is becoming increasingly popular in today's technology driven world. This blog communicates how to effectively advertise and your nonprofit's social media presence. The blog gives tips and tricks for running a social media page, how to write posts and how to create an online presence for the nonprofit. It is an excellent resource for any nonprofit manager that is not familiar with the way social media marketing works.
Helping Help – While this blog is not geared specifically toward nonprofit management teams, it does give a lot of great advice for nonprofit volunteers, advocates and others that are involved.
Engaging Volunteers – Just because someone is willing to volunteer does not mean that they are a perfect fit for a specific nonprofit. This blog gives helpful hints on how to find the right volunteer that will have a nearly perfect personality match with you, your nonprofit and other volunteers that are working together with the organization. It is, essentially, all of the information that nonprofit managers could ever want about hiring volunteers compiled into an easy to use blog.
Rad Blog – Rad is a great blog for nonprofit managers that are needing to do their own advertising. This blog includes tips on how to successfully market a nonprofit, whether it be new or established.
What Do You Stand For? – This blog assesses the various issues that could come up with a nonprofit and how to resolve them. It touches on everything from volunteer management, quality control and legal issues. It is a great resource for an individual that may be in a more controversial nonprofit, or one that has garnered a lot of negative attention.
American Public Works Association – The APWA is the oldest and largest organization for nonprofit professionals in the world. It was founded in 1937 and has chapters throughout the United States. It works together with local government agencies, private sectors and public works companies to ensure high quality goods and services are delivered to the public. There are many large and small nonprofit companies that work in conjunction with this association to better their communities through various resources that this association holds.
New York Association for Volunteer Advancement – NYAVA is a volunteer advancement company that is based in the New York City area. They work together with local nonprofits to ensure that volunteers are being matched with the correct nonprofit agencies. They also help nonprofits will valuable resources concerning volunteers in their specific area. The association has a mission of serving the volunteer resources management profession in the greater New York City area. They work together with nonprofits to ensure that the organization is functioning as a member driven association.
Association of Fundraising Professionals – This association works throughout North America to advance philanthropy. It helps volunteers and nonprofit organization professionals through research, advocacy, certification and education programs.
The American Association for Budget and Program Analysis – The AABPA works with various entities throughout the United States. They focus mainly on government and community based assistance for budgeting and analyzing program limitations, but help nonprofit organizations learn how to budget and become a better organization through the use of education, resources and information that is provided by the association. This is a great resource for nonprofit managers that are trying to get an out of control organization into a budget and spending program. The association is a nonprofit and will work together with other nonprofit organizations to be sure that they will succeed as much as possible with responsible planning and budgeting depending on specific needs.
Wiley Nonprofit Management and Leadership – This journal provides various studies and research articles written by nonprofit management professionals and management students. It is in the Wiley Online Library, and is available to anyone that can use the resources that it provides. This journal is an excellent resource for both students and career minded nonprofit professionals.
The Rutgers School of Social Work Journal for Nonprofit Management – Put together by one of the nation's leading universities, this journal is an excellent resource for any nonprofit professional looking for reputable articles from a reputable organization. It is well put together and makes finding an exact article easy.
The Nonprofit Times – Perhaps one of the most popular nonprofit journals, the nonprofit times provides valuable information to nonprofit management specialists and students studying for a nonprofit management career. It has various updates to the career field, tells harrowing tales of professionals in the field and even lists a few tips for newer nonprofit managers while still managing to feel more like a leisurely read, instead of a career minded journal.
Professional Societies
Center for Nonprofit Management – CNM is a center where nonprofit professionals can come together as a diverse group of individuals in a similar career field. It is not limited only to managers of nonprofits, but is available to all nonprofit administrative professionals. This society is an excellent opportunity for Southern California nonprofit managers to meet with other managers and discuss ideas, tips and create a connection.
The Foundation Center for Nonprofit Management – The foundation center is a national society that allows nonprofit managers to connect with each other on a career minded level. It allows professionals to meet with other professionals in their specific area and across the country.
The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance – The alliance group of nonprofit leader figures was created and certified to change the world that individuals live in. It is not limited to a certain group of nonprofit organizations, but allows nonprofit leadership members to come together in a society with other management and nonprofit leader professionals.
Beth Kanter @kanter industry leader in nonprofit management information
Social Citizens @socialcitizen nonprofit company celebrating social citizenship in other nonprofit organization settings
Taproot foundation @taprootfound foundation to bring purpose to nonprofit works
Nonprofit Orgs @nonprofitorgs a collective Twitter account that allows nonprofit organizations to come together and collaborate with each other through the use of a social media network
Philanthropy @philanthropy a verified Twitter name page that brings nonprofit groups together for the sake of philanthropy and what it does for the world
Social Innovation @ssireview organization with a vision to bring social change through the use of nonprofit organizations and endeavors
Nonprofit Finance Fund @nff_news company that collaborates with nonprofits on loans and how money is used in the career field
Volunteer Match @volunteermatch bring volunteers and nonprofit managers together to create an above average nonprofit team