Public administrators have a lot of power; they can influence policy that can impact people at all levels of government and beyond. But, if public administration is a career path you choose take, it helps to be informed and current in the realm of public policy to help you wield you power for the common good.
The information provided in this guide is intended to give you, as a public administrator, the tools you need to make informed decisions. It provides information on journals, professional associations, websites, Twitter feeds, and other resources to encourage you to be a thoughtful, consciences, and educated policy influencer. While most of it is aimed at U.S. policy, we have also included some international resources as well.
General Resources
File Guru Public Administration Resources – File Guru provides useful online tools for public administrators. These tools can be valuable for communication and development.
Governance Assessment Portal – GAP "aims to be a hub of information and a valuable interactive entry-point on democratic governance assessments." It provides country-led governance assessment in order to foster participation and accountability from governing institutions.
International Institute of Administrative Sciences Knowledge Portal – IIAS' Knowledge Portal is an international communication platform for public administrators that explores contemporary governance themes.
National Academy of Public Administration – The Academy is a nonpartisan nonprofit created to help leaders in government build more effective and accountable organizations. It provides advisory services to federal departments and agencies through research, analysis, strategic planning, though leadership, and problem solving.
National League of Cities – For over 90 years, the National League of Cities has provided resources, conferences, and training for leaders working at the city level across the United States.
Public Administration Theory Network – In 1978, a group of public administrators formed The Network to create a space to discuss and develop public administration theory. The Network includes public administrators as well as academics and government officials. A nonprofit as of 2011, it holds a conference every year and publishes Administrative Theory and Praxis.
Think Tank Search from Harvard's Kennedy School of Business – Think Tank Search uses Google to search for over 690 think tank websites. These think tanks are affiliated with universities, governments, advocacy groups, foundations, NGOs, and businesses, and represents both partisan and nonpartisan views.
United Nations Public Administration Network – The United Nations Public Administration network seeks to share knowledge and best practices for public policy and public administration through UN Member States.
Good Governance & Public Policy – This blog, written by social science researcher and consultant Solomon Appiah, covers a whole variety of issues related to public policy, including poverty, inequality, resource management, and human rights in Africa, Europe, and North America.
Journal of Public Policy Blog – The official blog for the Journal of Public Policy, this blog takes social science theories and applies them to how public policies are made.
Policy & Politics Journal – An international journal focused on public and social policy, Policy & Politics Journal strives to connect theory with practice, micro-scales issues with macro-scale ones.
Public Administration – Public Administration covers everything related to public administration from an academic viewpoint.
Public Knowledge – Public Knowledge desires to shape policy for the public interest. It champions "freedom of expression, an open internet, and access to affordable communications tools and creative works." In addition to its articles, Public Knowledge also educates and advocates on internet-related issues.
Public Policy Polling – Public Policy Polling puts out highly accurate polling on political races throughout the U.S.
News and Research Websites
Journalist's Resource – The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy created Journalist's Resource as a free resource to examine current topics in the new via the lens of research.
Pew Research Center – Pew Research Center provides nonpartisan, non-advocacy data and analysis on the issues, public opinions, and trends shaping the United States and the rest of world.
Public Agenda – Established over 30 years ago, Public agenda seeks to make democracy work for everyone by producing research that covers what U.S. leaders are doing and what the American public thinks about their actions and current issues of the day.
Roll Call – Roll Call covers news and information coming out of Capitol Hill.
Stateline – Part of the Pew Charitable Trusts, Stateline is a nonpartisan nonprofit that reports on current trends and issues in state policies.
The Hill – Read by the White House and lawmakers, The Hill is a political website that covers policy, politics, and election campaigns.
Urban Institute – The Urban Institute conducts research and educates Americans on social and economic issues.
The Washington Center – The Washington Center helps students find internships in Washington, DC to learn about public administration and policy.
Washington Internship Institute – Public administration internships are available for students in nonprofit and government organizations.
American Review of Public Administration – ARPA is a bi-monthly, peer-reviewed journal. It covers issues of public administration and public affairs, including management studies, performance measurement systems, budgeting management, and network governance, among other things.
International Journal of Public Administration – With the goal of discovering the most recent developments in public administration, IJPA is a peer-reviewed, research publication.
Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research – An open access journal, JPAPR produces articles monthly on all topics related to public administration and policy.
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory – JPART is a journal that seeks to serve as a bridge between public policy studies and public administration and management scholarship.
Public Administration Review – PAR is intended for both public administrators and academics interested in public sector management.
Professional Societies
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees – AFSCME is the U.S.'s largest public service employees' union. It is made up of a diverse group of public servants and "advocates for fairness in the workplace, excellence in public services and prosperity and opportunity for all working families."
American Society for Public Administration – ASPA is one of the country's leading interdisciplinary public service organizations. Founded in 1939, it has worked to advance the field through accountability and performance, professionalism, ethics, and social equity. It's Center for Accountability and Performance works toward performance-based, results-driven management in government. In addition, ASPA also produces three publications: PA Times, The Bridge, and Public Administration Review, available to its members.
Conference of Minority Public Administrators – Based in Washington, DC, COMPA is part of the American Society for Public Administration, and seeks to serve minority public administrators, as well as students and other professionals working in the public service.
Government Finance Officers Association – Founded in 1906 GFOA represents more than 19,000 finance officers in the U.S. and Canada. Members come from all levels of government, and the association's goal is "promote excellent in state and local government financial management." It provides best practices, consulting, networking, publications, research, and training.
National Forum for Black Public Administrators – Founded 1983 and with over 2,500 members, NFBPA is dedicated to the advancement of public leaders in local and state governments.
Social Media Tools & Twitter Accounts
Economic Policy Institute @EconomicPolicy – EPI covers current economic policy, research, and ideas.
GovFresh @govfresh – GovFresh highlights innovative public servants and entrepreneurs who are changing the way government works. For more content, check out their website at
GovLoop @GovLoop – GovLoop is a network for more than 250,000 federal, state, and local government innovators.
House Republicans @HouseGOP and House Democrats @HouseDemocrats – Keep up-to-date on what is happening in the House from both Republican and Democratic viewpoints.
National Homeless @Ntl_Homeless – The National Coalition for the Homelessness, a network of individuals & organizations working toward ending homelessness in the U.S., covers policy and public administration issues around homelessness.
Political Figures – Consider following local, national, or international political leaders. It's a great way to see what is happening and learn about the qualities of different policies they are working on.
Tax Foundation @taxfoundation – Learn more about tax policy and administration from the Tax Foundation, an organization that's been around since 1937.
Tweet Congress – Tweet Congress makes it easy to see what is policy conversations are happening in real time. Tweet Congress believes "transparent government is better government. Twitter enables real conversation between lawmakers and voters, in real time."
Pew Research Fact Tank @FactTank – Fact Tank covers "the news in numbers." They tweet, among other things, poll, economic, and demographic data.
Top 50 Master's of Public Administration Ranking – This ranking vetted over 400 programs based on Accreditation, Affordability, Average salary, and Prestige and Awards to find the top MPA programs in the country.
Top 50 Online Master's of Public Administration Ranking – This ranking vetted over 165 online programs based on Accreditation, Affordability, Average salary, and Prestige and Awards to find the top Online MPA programs in the country.
FAQ Articles
What are the advantages of pursing a Full-time Master's in Public Administration?
Which schools offer the most Affordable Master's in Public Administration degrees?
What are the admission requirements for a Master's in Public Administration?
Which top MPAs offer the best potential return on investment?